This Is The Story
Of A Girl
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> Kherli's Status <
x) I am do really tired nowadays.
x) Laziness full on my mind right now.
x) Currently in Facebook's FFS & cafe World.
Her father gave her named kherli. Her friends like to call her as Chocolate. She had born at 11st May 1992, is going to turn 18 years old soon! She had fallen in love with the song sang by Nicholas Teo, Rynn Lim, Thomas & Jack, Juztin Lan and Prince. She is a girl who really stubborn and an emotional. She is a good listener as well. She wants to study early childhood education in her college or university life. She wishes to open a nursery school in her coming life that means future! Her wishes list is want to have a reunion with her primary school friends – Chen Moh 6s(’04), want to have a trip/happy time or dinner/gathering with her lovely, best friends. She is always confused, will always contradictory in her life. She is a super duper laziness person. She is a girl who loving him and hope to be with him always. S.T.U.D.Y S.M.A.R.T in year 2010! Yea, she is Liew Kher Li.

。Nothing Gonna Change My L.O.V.E For Euu ❤

Friday, April 17, 2009



这几天,在学校,也没有发生什么特别的事情,只是当有空节的时候,相机的散光灯一定散的不停,因为我们大家最近都爱上了拍照,玩相机~大概的,经过统计,我们大约拍了1000张的照片(加上上次K.Amal的)哈哈=X算算一下,顿时给这个数目吓倒了..有点夸张的说..最近我们的话题不在是毕业旅行了..变成了我们的校刊-Senior Page..意见慢慢的涌出来了^^但是,因为资金的问题,还没决定要做多少~ '人比人比死人'这句话,我开始慢慢的领悟到了^^

还有,今天校方请了个讲师来为我们给我们做个讲座会~一天到就闷了!!还好,不是想象中那样的闷,至少他有点能力,让全场都安静下来听他说东西~他所讲的题目是,Bahasa Malaysia SPM kertas 2(bahagian B-karangan)虽然坐在地上两个小时,又在缺少氧气的空间下,总算挨过了..一来到就给我们同学下了个马威~赶走了几个人~哈哈~给与大大的称赞与支持,真的是很不错说,内容充实简短..慢慢的带过..很快就明白了~上了一堂不错的课!!

近来,本班也闹出了很多的笑话,在bangkel-bilikmasakan 的时候,老师说,你们真的是看到什么都开一下才甘愿的啊~看雪柜也开,连厨也不放过..镇豪说,我们还比小孩子难搞~这句话,我举双手还有双脚赞成..我们真的是问题少年来的..什么东西都是问到,不能回答为止~哈哈..还是一样,生活还是要继续..我们满怀希望向前冲~


几天前,他和她吵架了..还好不是因为我,不然,我都不知道怎样才好..毕竟天天在学校都看到他的她~唉..过去就让他过去,不要回头看~走下去就是了,将来会更美好~好像很久都没有打那么多的字了,因为这几天所发生的事情,很难用言语来表达,所以我用了相片来解释这几天所发生的过程~哈哈=X感觉上,我的华语好像低越我得水平了,因为,我很久都没有去上华语课了,我们很坏叻~因为时间还有交通的问题~加上那位老师教的真的有点闷了..><” -The End-


Amanda Ho said...

whos d 1 every morning aso cal u o...?haha
wa~~yr class always photo together...vry hao wan o~~ really is a hapi class~~
d 讲座会 started is vry dun lik d tcher...but man man lai feel aso vry good...d tcher tch d thing lik usefull...haha
haiz~~i aso wish can do bread leh~~is fun~~my class din do~~haiz~~
other thing no comment~~^^

❤___Kherli [丽] said...

walao~really give lot comment worx you..hmmmm