This Is The Story
Of A Girl
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> Kherli's Status <
x) I am do really tired nowadays.
x) Laziness full on my mind right now.
x) Currently in Facebook's FFS & cafe World.
Her father gave her named kherli. Her friends like to call her as Chocolate. She had born at 11st May 1992, is going to turn 18 years old soon! She had fallen in love with the song sang by Nicholas Teo, Rynn Lim, Thomas & Jack, Juztin Lan and Prince. She is a girl who really stubborn and an emotional. She is a good listener as well. She wants to study early childhood education in her college or university life. She wishes to open a nursery school in her coming life that means future! Her wishes list is want to have a reunion with her primary school friends – Chen Moh 6s(’04), want to have a trip/happy time or dinner/gathering with her lovely, best friends. She is always confused, will always contradictory in her life. She is a super duper laziness person. She is a girl who loving him and hope to be with him always. S.T.U.D.Y S.M.A.R.T in year 2010! Yea, she is Liew Kher Li.

。Nothing Gonna Change My L.O.V.E For Euu ❤

Friday, October 24, 2008


很累很累 考试考试 大考的来临
一点都没有准备 有时还是搞不清楚自己在读什么
很难过啦 很辛苦 压力压力

严重的是老师都还没有教完 尤其是令我最头痛的科学和历史
最不喜欢这两科了 一定要死背的我
最讨厌就是背东西了 加上不是很了解

看见朋友们都在读书 而我只会在那里发梦
不知道要从那里下手 被考倒了

那天的科学有很多题都不会 只好乱开枪
没办法咯 还有第一次做不完数学一
最后几题真的是乱来 还好那到还不错
因为我对数学比较有信心 哈哈哈

过了今天的英文 就有五天的假期
回去后又要考经济和道德 还蛮喜欢的
过后就进入最后了 就是最讨厌的画画

-The End-

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