This Is The Story
Of A Girl
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> Kherli's Status <
x) I am do really tired nowadays.
x) Laziness full on my mind right now.
x) Currently in Facebook's FFS & cafe World.
Her father gave her named kherli. Her friends like to call her as Chocolate. She had born at 11st May 1992, is going to turn 18 years old soon! She had fallen in love with the song sang by Nicholas Teo, Rynn Lim, Thomas & Jack, Juztin Lan and Prince. She is a girl who really stubborn and an emotional. She is a good listener as well. She wants to study early childhood education in her college or university life. She wishes to open a nursery school in her coming life that means future! Her wishes list is want to have a reunion with her primary school friends – Chen Moh 6s(’04), want to have a trip/happy time or dinner/gathering with her lovely, best friends. She is always confused, will always contradictory in her life. She is a super duper laziness person. She is a girl who loving him and hope to be with him always. S.T.U.D.Y S.M.A.R.T in year 2010! Yea, she is Liew Kher Li.

。Nothing Gonna Change My L.O.V.E For Euu ❤

Monday, September 15, 2008


也有一段时间没有来部落格了.. 因为最近都在忙啊.. 今天抽空上来聊聊.. 哈哈..

星期五那一天.. 学校有举办一个小行中秋午会.. 哈哈哈.. 是第一年举办的.. 所以我与我的一班朋友, 当然是去八呱一下咯..

我们LYJS的成员(一些), 还参与表演呢.. 他们跳break-dance.. 他们是大哥永康,三哥文彪, 四哥德华,五弟藉荣和六弟智耀.. 还有就是啊蔡和俊彬.. 他们跳的还不赖哦. . 就连老师们也称赞.. 他们赢得全场的掌声.. 身为他们的兄妹的我们.. 当然也感到很高兴咯..

除了街舞, 还有就是最近很热门的电视剧-家好月圆.. 来自4um的一班同学, 把这套戏剧搬上了舞台.. 很搞笑.. 他们当中有一个女同学, 真的可以去做演员了.. 扮的超像的..

今年的八月十五, 我没有陪家人渡过.. 我去了婷家.. 秋晚会+生日派对.. 只有我们六个出席罢了.. 婷的老公-德华 我和俊德, 还有就是永康和美莹.. 蛮爽一下的.. 他们一共好像喝了8罐酒.. 夸张叻..
我们才1617岁罢了啊.. 莹因为跟他老公吵架, 所以用酒来麻醉自己.. 还发酒疯啊.. (不知道是不是,我不确定.. 看到不要骂我哦) 气死了.. 华不会喝, 学人家喝.. 一直乱讲话.. 笑死人了.. 大康就一整晚不开心, 好像是他爱人不接电话.. 德就陪他们颠.. 大家都傻的.. 只有我和婷没有喝.. 婷是怕苦所以不喝.. 我是不敢.. 大约12点才回家.. 把华送到家,才放心.. 今天还蛮快乐的.. 是我和老公的第一个中秋节.. 哈哈哈=X

但是,老公吃醋了.. 他讲我对永康有意识.. 给他乍到了.. 我和康只有兄妹情罢了啦.. 不要误会啊..

-The End-

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