This Is The Story
Of A Girl
|| ||
> Kherli's Status <
x) I am do really tired nowadays.
x) Laziness full on my mind right now.
x) Currently in Facebook's FFS & cafe World.
Her father gave her named kherli. Her friends like to call her as Chocolate. She had born at 11st May 1992, is going to turn 18 years old soon! She had fallen in love with the song sang by Nicholas Teo, Rynn Lim, Thomas & Jack, Juztin Lan and Prince. She is a girl who really stubborn and an emotional. She is a good listener as well. She wants to study early childhood education in her college or university life. She wishes to open a nursery school in her coming life that means future! Her wishes list is want to have a reunion with her primary school friends – Chen Moh 6s(’04), want to have a trip/happy time or dinner/gathering with her lovely, best friends. She is always confused, will always contradictory in her life. She is a super duper laziness person. She is a girl who loving him and hope to be with him always. S.T.U.D.Y S.M.A.R.T in year 2010! Yea, she is Liew Kher Li.

。Nothing Gonna Change My L.O.V.E For Euu ❤

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


今天我又一次没有去上学了,早上上线,也看到蛮多出乎意料的她们,也没有上学去=D真得是可以来个集体逃课日了~不上学是有原因的当然,今天校方为我们准备了一个关于国语的讲座会~因为是分两批的,前面班的昨天已经听了~我当然是趁着机会问我的朋友咯.霜竟回答我说,闷到死,不能讲话,就来睡着了~哈哈^^婷听了,就在考虑是否上学去~ =思考当中=

就在当儿,我,婷和伦相约要到IOI Mall去study group,首先我们去医抱肚子先,就开始说了,我看今天我们一定没有读到书的.对,真得给我们说中,我们真的没有读书~只是有开铅笔盒罢了~看,我们三个在一起真得是不可能会读书得~ 晕@@ 晚上,收到婷的信息说,真得有很多人没有去上课,叫我最好也不要去~所以,我就没有去上课了.



现在,我就刚看完戏回来~点点的累了,突然想到,明天的历史节一定很难挨的,老师要我们回答esei..历史真得是我的死穴来的~想到等下要K历史课本,我就真的很想哭了~我真的很讨厌历史,怎样才可以搞好它~ G-FPRCE,好可爱的老鼠哦~故事情节就还好罢了,但是,老鼠们真的很厉害~

哈哈^^感谢你再一次陪我哦=D今天是第一次只有我们两个看戏,感觉还真的蛮怪的,毕竟我真的很久没有两个人一起看戏了,最近看戏都是超过4个人的~哈哈^^但是,和你喝茶就很多次了,谢谢你每次当我要你陪我的时候,你都不拒绝的,都会尽量的陪我~咳@@ 永远的好朋友噢~但是,下个星期你就要开始做工了,一连两个星期~没有人可以陪我玩了啦~

昨天也和子豪聊起关于小六时的点滴~好怀念以前的我们呢 =)6s聚会,遥遥无期~大家真得都很忙了~读书的读书,拍拖的拍拖,做工的做工.. 6s的伙伴们,记得要加油哦~老师们的教诲,不能遗忘~我知道,我们总有一天会相聚~

Current,im tired with my school life.Our friendship already become more vile. =S Just let it go. All Gone!! I no need have a friend just like you.

-The End-

Monday, September 28, 2009


咳,又开学咯~一个星期后就预考2咯.今天在课室过得还真得蛮开心的 =D 老师终于把数学考卷分派回来咯,拿到试卷一的时候有点不开心的就只有30/40,他们就可以拿超过30以上,还真的蛮生气一下的.算@@试卷2分发的时候,手有点在抖,还真的会怕得来的分数差过他们~终于老师叫我的名字咯,开心的跳了起来69/100.哈哈^^我平时努力做的数学练习没有白费,我终于拿到A2了,和美婷在那里笑到傻.我们还说,我们可以去威给振慷看了,只是因为他拿他班全班最高~


我们的努力终于有点点的成绩咯.至少,我们是自己做我们的考卷!!我的数学又得到了全班最高分.YAY! 经济学老师就有点不舒服,已经连续很多个星期没有进班来上课咯,可能是她有了孩子的关系~所以我们得体谅她,母亲的伟大!经济试卷一也分了回来31/40,我不知道我发什么神经可以拿到我认为已经很好的成绩~开心的在班上喊了起来~爽@@ 也是全班试卷一最高的.所以我说,今天还真的蛮幸运下的.

还有会计考卷没有分回来,我宁愿它永远都不要发回来,我真的不敢想象我的会计成绩会是如何~ 开始担心下个星期的会计考试,有点不想出席,和伟伦在那里怕着!科学也是我的死敌,我真的搞不懂科学到底在说什么,读来读去都蒙查查的~历史是我打从中一开始就放弃的科目,历史人物的名字那么的长,我还真的没有办法一一给他记下~看到历史课本就像我的吹眠咒那样@@读书虫们,很想领教你们是到底怎样温习历史课的?我自认没有那种能力去读,也没有那么的有耐性!

大康,他总是喜欢找些话题来扎我,每次都扎不停的,除非是他要睡觉还有去隔壁班的时候他才会停下来~有时,还真的会给他气的够够的!难道,扎我是你其中一个嗜好吗?真的拿你没有办法咯,我也已经习惯了很久,反而他静静的时候,还有点点的不习惯勒 =S 呵呵,难道我生下来就是要给你顶撞个不停似的?可能,这也就是我的命,所以,我就只好认命咯~ 哈哈^^

> 离别依依~天有不散之筵席!!
> 只是因为缘,所以我们会相遇.
> 记得,我们必须珍惜我们所拥有的一切~
> 不管路有多远多苦,我们还是得撑下去~


-The End-

Sunday, September 27, 2009


还蛮无聊的在家里.睡觉的在睡觉,做工的就已经去做工,剩下我一个!是应该做功课的,但是,我提不起劲来做!有谁可以帮下我?眼看大考将近,我还在这里漫步,没有目标!成天想去玩,但是也没什么人愿意和我玩!考试已经把我一个头变两个大了.在过一个星期,预考2就要开跑了,我可以说是什么也没有准备!压力?是蛮重的,只是,我也不知道为什么会形成这些所谓压力!晕@@ 真的是难搞得我,我想没有人可以搞懂我,就连我自己也一样.

> 上帝创照人类来美化大地.
> 人类晓得什么叫知足,难道生活不能简单些?
> 人类是上帝的扯线玩偶
> 人生只是一个生老病逝,喜怒哀乐,酸甜苦辣的过程
> 人类很犯贱,喜欢埋怨,想法都很矛盾

你答应我的东西,希望你会记得,会履行你给我的承诺 (:


> 我不喜欢离别的滋味,可想是多么的伤感,我不想在尝试!

毕业的脚步慢慢的靠近了,我不想它的到来,但是我知道,它总有一天会到来.毕业后的日子我要怎样度过?我所习惯的朋友,熟悉的声音,熟悉的老师,熟悉的学校环境都要转换变成陌生! 我看,我得用一段很长的时间来恢复我的心态!
: 没有保姆伟伦班长
: 没有小康,镇豪顶撞老师的声音
: 没有啊蔡的碎碎念
: 没有大康的顶撞
: 没有你们的玩闹声





-The End-


Yea,IM back! Back from Langkawi Island. 3 days 2 night,tired @@ I seat Cable Car,it is so damn HIGH! Scare me @@ We go The Load, A Bakery open by Tun Dr. Mahathir. Eat bread, cost us RM500. It is kinda expensive. Play with the kids. It cute but very naughty, she keep beat me while we are on the way. =X I never go for swimming because I not really like to swim. I go to the beach, sea view very nice. Only stay on the beach for half an hour. Haiz, not really got enough time for me. Anyway, hope got chance to go with my friends. =D hmm..Yea, we spend RM1000 for chocolate only. See, how crazy am I and also my family. Okie, lake of word, don’t know how to continue, let’s roll down for PICTURE.

=The Load=

=Cable Car=


=kherli and mummy=

=kherli and kids=
Jian Feng & Fang Ting

=Uncle & Aunt=

700++m high!


kherli in the beach.

yea, That Me__KHERLI


对,是成谦回复我的一封信息.我和他可以说是没有真正的座下来好好聊天,我在记忆中我就只和他说过几句话,就是在全中华的时候.那时,我根本没有想过会和他谈的来的.认识了他已经有285个日子咯,我最喜欢和他分享我的事情了 (: 互相鼓励,互相安慰~ 谦,我愿意做你一生好朋友 =)

-The End-

Wednesday, September 23, 2009



Happy belated Birthday Adrain. =D That day had an outing with Matthew, Anlie and Adrain. Meet them at Mid Valley around 12.00pm. Yea, had fun with them ^^ Watched the movie- Tsunami At Haeundae at GSC Signature, G located at The Garden. Cost us RM20.00, is a bit expensive for us if always watch movie there. Once in month can larh. =D CLASS! The seat is very comfortable-SOFT!

I cried =’( the movie is so touch @@ allah, seem like I never cry before in cinema, this is the first time I think. We had our lunch at Pasta Zanmai a Japanese Restores. The grand total of our lunch is RM141.45 @@ 4 person only =) haha. After lunch, we walk around the shopping mall. Because today is public holiday, mall got a lot of people @@ DIGITAL time. Have a very nice day with them.

While I’m walking around in Mid Valley and The Garden, cousin and aunty reached my house. Yeepee, them are my lovely.

GSC Signature, G

Pasta Zanmai







the birthday boy_Adrain




slow montion @@


Have an outing with my lovely family yesterday. We went sunway pyramid it is just because cousin sister wants to meet her friend there and go ice sketing together. Allah, after bought ticket for them and sister kheryi help them to wear their shoes, before she left there. Then bring cousin brother go da ji chang. Me and aunty was sitting there eat a bowl of chicken ball while waiting cousin brother finished his game. (ps, for picture, pls visit my sister’s blog)

Will be off for few day. Having a trip to Pulao Langkawi with my family. GOD BLESS ^^ wish me luck and have fun with sister at there ya.

-The End-

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Firstly, I want to wish Kelvin and Xue Qin HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Yea, HAPPY HOLIDAYS too. But, correctly, holidays is damn boring and nothing to do. Revision? Study? Yea, today wake up at 10am. Cool rite? Yea, you are right, I’m a piggy.

Received Matthew text yesterday night, he date me out to Mid Valley to celebrate Adrain’s birthday again. He wants me to date Anlie out too. =D 12am 20/09/09 I received a call from Yee Long, he want to pick me up now, I think he wants me to accompany him. But, gor gor, it already 12am leh, my parents are not allowed me out at midnight, so sorry, next time larh. But please tell me early and don’t out at midnight. =S Thanks you guy to date me out to light up my bored holidays. =)

Nowadays, I spend all my time with my dearest, such as, watch movie, shopping, yam cha and gossip. I am really happy to recognize you all, especially is Dicko who always accompany when I am alone and boring. Thanks ya =D I think, I had changed. Formerly, I don’t really like to hang-out with no reasons, current, I like to go sing K and watch movie with them. (:

180909, I had attended Adrain’s birthday dinner at ‘Hao Ji steamboat restaurant’ Chen Kang pick me up at 9.10pm after he go fetch Wai Lun. Then he rushed up to pick Chee Kai also. Yea, we are late about 1 an hour. He speed, damn scare while sitting on his car. @@ After dinner, Kaz fetch Adrain, Matthew, Chee Kai, Chan How to go snooker nearest Bintang Kinrara. Chen Kang, Wai Lun, Weng Hong, Chay Jeong, Kah Loon plan to go cyber café. Yee Liang, Peng Yeek, Chien Lim and I was waiting Liang’s mother to fetch us back. I think that I get bluff by Adrain, he told me got girls go, but when I reached there, I’m the only girl @@ What the. Then he told me like this me are the most special =.=”

Weng Hong told me, that day they gossip until around 4am only back home =D how weird that one gang of boys sit together to talk about nonsense. Yea, boy talks, girls will not understand that. Talked about girls, games @@

Yea, tomorrow will be follow Matthew, Adrain, David, Anlie and some of Adrain’s ex to go Mid Valley. Mid Valley here I come. ^^ It will be a funny day to me? Let’s see tomorrow =S Hope Anlie will not be bored tomorrow.Did their plan will success? Watch Tsunami the Korean movie at The Garden.

-The End-

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tagged By Chi Ling


-----個 人 題 - 10 題-----
你叫什么名 : 刘可丽
称號 : 巧克力
你的血型 : AB
你的星座 : 金牛座
你是男還是女: 女
你幾岁 : 17
你住哪裡 : Bandar Puteri,Puchong
你的学校 : SMK Bandar Puchong Jaya (A)
你有沒有手機 : 有
呈上: huh?

------朋 友 題 - 10 題------11
你最要好的朋友(限1個): 他 /她
你最討厭的人(限1個): 他
怎样的女生你最討厭: 不懂
好朋友有誰(不限):LYJS , 成谦 , Dicko , 5usm(’09)
你經常和哪位朋友出去: Dicko , 美婷 , 伟伦 , Matthew , LYJS
你身邊最可愛的朋友(限1個): ?

-----情 題 - 15題-----21
你有沒有喜歡的人: 有/没有
如果没有,你希望什麼時候有另一半: 不懂,随便
目前为止,跟多少人告白過:有吗 ?
你現在有另一半嗎 : 没有
你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你會怎樣 : 不可能罢
你初戀情人突然跟你告白你會接受嗎 : 不会罢
你為什麼會喜歡你現在喜歡的人: 我也不懂为什么
和另一半牽手過嗎 : ya
和你的另一半抱或親過嗎 : ya
是誰,你們什麼關係 : 朋友们和 前男友

------混 合 題 - 10 題------36
如果有one天,好朋友離你而去,你會怎樣 : 吓傻 /崩溃
你上課認真嗎 : 不是很
你功課好不好: 不是很好那种,还过的去
你开电腦都在幹麻 : 跟朋友聊天 ,Facebook,Blogger
你的即时通有多少个同性: 数不清
你 的即時通裡有多少個異性:数不清

----兇 手 題 - 1 0 題------45
傳給你這份問卷的人是誰:Chi Ling
这個人對你好不好: 还不赖
這個人是怎樣的人: 可爱 ,好玩
這個人跟你有沒有在一起过: 有也

------聯 想 題 - 10 題------56
說到正妹你會想到誰 :庄 惠丽
說到帥哥你會想到誰 : 林永康
說到憨你會想到誰 : 没有罢

說到痴你會想到誰 : 没有罢
說到暗戀你會想到誰 : 他
說到出去玩你會想到誰 : LYJS , Dicko , Matthew , 伟伦 , 美婷
說到聰明鬼你會想到誰 : 徐嘉伦
說到傻子你會想到誰 : Dicko
說到愛笑你會想到誰 :

------學 校 題 - 1 1 題------66
你的班導是誰 : En.Rajan
你的座位是第幾排第几個 : 第五排第三个
你最喜歡的老師是誰 : 没有特别喜欢的
你的英文好嗎 : 不是很好
你的班級是: 5usm
1) Kher Yi
2) Julia

3) Dai Hong
4) Pui Ling
5) Chee Yang
6) Seng Him

7) Yee Liang
8) Sok Fan

-The End-

Friday, September 18, 2009

izzit a REAL story ?


关于【lavigne 最后一次】背后故事


也有人说是那女生得了癌症因为她的男友喜欢听歌和创作在他走之前想写下一首歌让他男友留念 也有人说是他和他的男友很相爱可是不幸男的生了重病然后那位女的变写了这首歌给他过后写了之后男的去世了女的也跟着自杀


-The End-


What a boring day stay at home. Wake up in the early morning, it just because yesterday too early sleep already. Plan to go Neway with them, but at last we cancel d. Because Hui Li’s mother is not allowed she to join us, she force to go her grandmother house to visit her grandma with a reason. Received message from Hui Li at 10am, then text Kelvin to ask how. At last we decide to delay our birthday celebration. Kelvin, I’m so sorry for that. Today you go pak tou with your girl first larh.

Sister outing to Mid Valley with friends, she ask me wants to follow or not. At last I reject her invitation. =) Adrain asked me want to join them go Sunway or not just now. The same, I reject his invitation also, it is just because I’m too tired. Today night, have an invitation from Adrain. Will be celebrated his birthday party at XX steamboat Restaurant. Yea, I’m joining them tonight. Adrain said you are not allowed to put me airplane. o.O Asking Chen Kang to come to pick me up tonight.

Yesterday was my first time to seat motorcycle in Puchong area. Get syok bout this. Dicko pick me up. Actually I feel scare de, he not have lesson @@ YIKES! He is the first people who fetch me by motorcycle. (I mean my friends not included my parents & family) When I was small stay at village, I always seat motorcycle, since I moved Puchong for 11 years, correctly, me long time not have seat motorcycle d.

Chee Yang told me my BC result yesterday at tuition centre. I was so damn happy in that moment. Although my marks are not A1 or A2, it is B3. But, I’m the highest in my class. *Big Clap for myself* It is the second times I get highest in my Chinese papers. Yea, I’m a CHINESE. Hope to score A in my second trial. Yea, I’m dreaming again. I want to know my math result, but teacher not yet give back us. *waiting* need to wait for 10 days. *sob sob* I’m worry about this.

Yea, 10 days school holidays start. I’m waiting for this. But, feel bored =( Going Pulao Langkawi on next Thursday until Saturday with my lovely family. Wish me have fun with my sister at there. Enjoy my holidays, by the why, still need to do more revision to face my trial 2.

Think about the trip to Dusun Eco Resort for 3 days 2 nights. Organize by my tuition centre. Teacher force me to join them this year, because last year I put them airplane. Dinamik Asas Team Building Trip will be hold at 19/12/09 until 21/12/09. Fee RM 250nett. Anyone interest about this? Leave me message.

-The End-

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


15/09/09 (Tuesday)
Woo. I was TIRED! Have a nice day with them. We went to One Utama. The aim for this time hanged out is he wants to buy a present for her. =D When Kelvin and I are waiting others to join us at IOI bus stop, saw something rude. A taxi driver had been scolded by a FATTY. Finally, they reached. Kelvin was asking for a taxi. The FATTY comes to his and talk nonsense. For more details, you may to view Kelvin Tan

The Final Destination 4. Finally I watched. Thanks you guy to accompany me watch. It was so damn bloody. YIKES! Adrain keep talking nonsense during the show is going on. Ribena, Sugarcane. @@ We had our dinner at Enrique Dinner (Da Ren Chan Ting) A table of teenagers are keep looking at us. Don’t know why =.=” When back with Kelvin by Taxi. Kelvin called his father picked his up at my house.

This time outing to 1utama is my first time went there with friends. I felt happy and enjoyable. Have a NICE day with you guys.


With Them =D

The handsome__Matthew Chua


What a boring day at school that I feel. Teacher is giving us some note to copy. The guys are playing UNO card the whole day. It is just wasting our time in school. Teacher gave back BM papers yesterday. I was syok with my mark. Although is low, but I already very happy. I hope I can do well in my coming exam-trial 2. Yea, I get 56(5C) in my BM papers. Actually I got abit disappointed in this paper.I thought i can get B in my BM.History papers are gave back to us this morning. I fail again my History papers. Sorry for say that, I really HATE history. =(

Trial 2 timetable are giving by teacher. 5 October start our BM paper. Have to study hard le =] ciao.

-The End-

Monday, September 14, 2009


Go back to school as normal. Teachers are not teaching today. P.Moral teacher give back us trial test papers. I was so surprise that I and Vinob scored highest mark in class. Yea, get A2 in my Moral paper. Hope to score A1 in my trial 2. Yea, I’m dreaming @@ Perdagangan papers. I only get 53 marks =(so damn low mark that I get. By the way, my pdg a SUCK! What a boring period =( Teacher walk in and out. It is a gossip time for us. We talk about attitude and some nonsense. Look funny. ^^School finish at 1.55pm, but for my classmate is at 1.20pm, because they said no teacher will enter our class, let’s go back home early. I’m a ‘good’ student. =D Me, Hui Li, Chee Yang, Zhi Yao, Xue Qin, Rachel and Shaselah was sitting in classroom waiting the time past. ^^ Continue our gossip while waiting the time to past. (^.^) nice chat with them(Z.Yao, H.Li and C.Yang) Here some random pictures that I captured in Red Box K room. Room 25 ^^

HE____Mr =D bla bla bla ^^

Mr.Ho Wai Lun =X

who is sleeping there?


lun is singging the song XXX

huh? their leg =0

The mic =S

Resit =D RM88.00

Miss Chua Mei Teng

Miss Liew Kher Li


MR. Dicko Lee Zhen Hong__Mid Valley

-The End-

Sunday, September 13, 2009


今天这篇文章我比较想用华文来述说.因为英语对我来说,真的有点难,我比较喜欢用华语来表达. =D 好,就来说说昨天所发生的事情罢. 起来一个大早,洗澡后,叫妹妹起身然后在给电话婷小姐,因为她吩咐我要叫她起身.打了两通,她接电话了,还好,她会给我吵醒.^^然后,爸爸载我和妹妹到OldTown-Kinrara吃早餐. *yummy*

我喜欢昨天,虽然是很累但是还蛮有意识的呢.我爱120909.回家换好衣服,爸爸就载我去IOI Mall和朋友们相会.等者李先生同时,看见蔡先生和胡先生的出现.大家都不约而同的迟到,我们真的不守时呢.人起后,我们就上楼去等我们的婷小姐.等了她大约10至20分钟.

地点: Red Box IOI Mall
时间: 11.45am-2.45pm

进房,开始可以点歌唱歌了.婷小姐和胡先生迫不及待的要去拿东西吃.无奈=.=”刚刚开始,蔡先生不是很愿意的跟我们一起癫,在我们的威胁下,他终于开口唱歌了.当有人从门口经过,蔡先生和胡先生就会看去门外,说美女来看他们. @@ 在疯疯颠颠的态度下,终于没有理会外面路过的人,在房间里高歌,仿佛,李先生不是很乐意的陪我们一起癫 =(歌曲,笨小孩,对面的女孩看过来,婷小姐点的经典老歌.好像是那首背叛,把我们带到最高潮,就在这个时候,蔡先生开始配合了.我拿着手机,把一些经典画面一一记录下来,好让我们有个开心快乐的回忆呢.慢慢的捕抓朋友们的表情,动作,有些,真的是很好笑.你好吗?我再度和李先生合唱,这次在加上蔡先 生一起,哈哈^^小猪的歌,蔡先生的偶像,他唱了好几首他的歌.我们还唱了很多的歌,屋顶,厚脸皮,双人舞等等的. =忘记唱了什么歌了= 结束后,我们在去双威看戏.

地点: TGV Cinema Sunway Pyramid
时间: 3pm-6pm
出席者: 美婷,可丽,Matthew,Dicko,Kelvin

去戏院买票是我们做的第一件事情.我们选择看新加坡电影-吓到笑.对,是5张票.遇见了小学朋友-张浩然.他,还是一样的黑@@比想象中的高了很多很多,还是一样的瘦,身旁的女友,还蛮美的,很有一种高贵气质.也遇见周健儿,就只是打了个招呼.到处的去走走看看.只是打发时间.theW就去报名跳舞班. =D 他们终于学会跳舞了^^ =戏正在进行中= 一场很好笑的笑戏加鬼戏 =D 因为满座,所以我们分3个两个.婷小姐和Kelvin,我就和李先生与蔡先生.我对李先生说了话,吃醋啊?大家都笑了.刚开始有点被吓到,后面就一直笑了.戏院满座,笑声很大. 感觉有点点的恐怖,毕竟我很久都没有进那么多观众的戏院了. @@ 在最后的几分钟,蔡先生赶时间跳舞,就没有看到结局.=结束=婷小姐和Kelvin要去和小学朋友吃晚餐了.而我,就跟Dicko去Mid-Valley,他要去找他的朋友. 说再见就走了.

地点: Mid-Valley
时间: 6.30pm-8.30pm
出席者: 可丽,Dicko,Dicko的朋友(x4)

“我要去Time Square” 我答


没有什么特别的事情发生.他的朋友特别喜欢诳服装店,我自认不喜欢买衣服所以,感觉上还蛮闷的,毕竟我和他们都不是认识的.要吃晚餐,但是很多人,所以就打消了这个念头.打电话叫爸爸来载我,这样迟了,不要李先生送我回家,所以就选择这样. =D

=To Be Contineu=
Ps, Picture will be upload tomorrow =D

=The End=

Thursday, September 10, 2009


又多一天假期了@@算了下,从年头到现在,我总共缺席了三天. =D 这个星期就已经两天了.以前的我,不会为了纯粹没有人去上学而不去,以前的我比较喜欢上学校.虽然现在也还是很喜欢上学校,只是,班上出席率真的是超级低的,往往在不用上课或者是补课,班上严重的人少=D在婷小姐的劝解下,我决定不去了.回家前还特别交待我们班最勤劳的那位-陈志扬先生,告诉他明天没有上学.刚才上线,竟然看见了他上线,他缺席比我还难得呢.他也被我们感染了.


090909,昨天.因为觉得这个日子很特别,不是很想呆在家.千年难得的日子嘛,虽然说,每年都会有一个日子是千年难得的.去年的080808,我还记得.我和美莹还有她那个时候的男友去吃pizza-hut.哈哈.今年,我就叫爸爸带我出去.没有什么目标的.和妈妈三个人.去买礼物给小孩子.ROBIN Uncle的儿子和女儿.回家后才想起,20九月有4个人的生日也. Zhi Yao, I found 2 baby same birthday with you =D 我的侄儿Oscar也是20号生日的.Robin Uncle 的女儿也是.


无聊.起了一个大早.6点多就起来了.电话响吵醒我了. =(反正也醒了,下楼,妈妈用好奇的眼神望着我,问我,为什么将早,读书有不见得你会醒啦.呃,读书的时候好像都是我自己醒的勒.走回楼上,爸爸也问我同样的问题.真是的,起来早也是个问题,不醒也是一个问题.大人们就是喜欢这样碎碎念的.晕也@@溜进妈妈房间看戏.昨天晚生爸爸买给我的戏-名侦探柯楠.我最爱的戏.两个小时半过后,戏也做完.我就真的无所事事呢.上线,听歌,玩小游戏,部落格,我想这几个小时我都会这样过吧.


现在看下msn通讯表,发觉真的很多人没有上课.SAK也没有去学校,他告诉我杰也是没上课[batu lapan].他说今天他们没有考试,所以没有去上课.我认为最勤劳的他们都没有上学.哈哈.可想,今天学校出席率应该是很低,我指的是中五罢了啦.不知不觉,我写了很多乱七八糟的东西.为了是解闷罢了.很久很久都没有打华语打得那么长了.现在11点了.我还是不知道得做什么.听着一首一首的合唱曲.哈哈=S

好了,不写了,好像觉得自己很长气,唠叨.写了那么多的废话.祝,今天是快乐的一个星期四. =)你开心,我快乐.


-The End-

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Trial have end. Have History papers today. Almost whole class peoples fall asleep during exam is going on. Before papers 1 start, keep talking with theW and teng while ‘reading’ History note. Talk about all nonsense =.=” *wee wee* Can’t wait for the day to come. Tomorrow skip school again huh? Yea, I think I will skip tomorrow because our class no peoples want to go. =skip=Spending my time with my lovely bed, sleep in the afternoon. Correctly, I’m too tired. Sister hang-out with her buddies again. Movie, crapping and sleeping that I did when I’m lost of control. =)

Actually it is nothing can post today. Just only the date is so nice =D that why I want to type something in blog. *hahaa*Yea, you are right. I’m totally CRAZY. Already become a real psycho long time ago @@ Anything can let me to do? *boring life* Exam had finished. Trial 2 will some soon then continue with Real Exam-the most important-SPM. *scare scare*

Currently, FACEBOOK and BLOGGER are a part of my life. Ciao~

Guys, HAPPY 090909.

-The End-

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


跟他吵了近半个小时 差点流下了泪水 我忍
关于那个问题 我们是永远都找不到答案的
认识我的人 了解我的人 都会知道 我的为人
我总把友谊摆放在爱情的前面 它的重要性
我绝对不允许 你们拿友谊来开玩笑 我认真
没有了儿戏的爱情 还是可以找新到的一个
没有了一个培养很久的友谊 是很难在建立
每段友情 都有属于它的事迹与足迹 纪念册

我们是会长久直到永远的 一生好朋友
吵架事件时常发生 拥有不同的意见
只要 你我愿意 我相信 我们一定可以卫冕
可以超越友情 跨过爱情的界限
只要珍惜 这段友谊 什么事情也可能发生
我最希望的就是友谊可以长久 友谊永固

我相信 你们每一个都不希望没有朋友
谈心事 说笑话 哈啦喝茶 逛街买东西
都少不了 朋友在身边 当然 我知道
但是 朋友 可以让生活更加的色彩
我想 一大班在一起 会更加的开心 快乐
偶尔一声问候 也是很好的沟通方式
至少 朋友两字还存放在着你的心里
当他收到信息 也会开心的笑一笑

12.37am (080909), now already late night, but I’m still sitting in front of my computer. Sister not yet come back, I’m waiting for her to come back home. Don’t misunderstand, she working now. She worked at Sentul, KL with her friends. *sleepy* I skipped school later. This is the first time skipped school with no reason. A memorable date for me =D Friends having P.Seni papers, I’m the one who drop P.Seni. It is because my ART skills are really very ‘good’, that why I dropped. Want study History after this. Can I do it? Hope I can. Sister reached home. I can off le. Ciao~

-The End-

Monday, September 7, 2009


“小孩 天真の笑容 他们 过の无忧无虑
回想 以前の我们 也是 拥有天真の笑脸
不像 现在の大家 都是 拥有着邪恶の脸孔
我心中 藏有恐惧感 对你笑笑 直觉 不怀好意
往往 就是这些出卖了自己
所谓 好心有好报 我 总觉得 这句话 是在骗人
很少人 会真正的伸出援手
很少人是真正大方 都怀假意
只是要逞强 为了面子
说 人心 就是那么の 可怕.”

“所有の人类 都缺乏了 一种东西
那就是爱 友情 亲情 与 爱情
爱与关怀 是同等的
我们得尊敬长辈 师长
我们得爱护弱小 疼爱小孩
我们得珍惜友谊 身边の每一个他们
这样 世界和平 不会有虐待事件
这样 大家 都 可以在 和平又安宁の世界

“她 彻底の在改变 她 不是本来の她
她 尽然不把我送她的东西放在眼里
她 并不知道 我是用了多少时间来完成
她 感谢他们每一个 名单里唯独没有我の名字
她 一点感激也没有 我 心碎
难道 时间会转变一切 一点余地也不留下
我 泪流心内 没有人晓得 我有多伤 多痛
我 很挣扎 她 是我の好朋友吗?
不是说好 要做永远の好朋友吗?
为什么 我总是是被人抛弃の那一个
为什么 我不能选择抛弃你们任何一个
因为 我会不舍得 因为 我学会了 珍惜”

难道 大家 都在改变?

○● 期待0210の到来__中秋月圆月

-The End-

Sunday, September 6, 2009



Miss Ch’ng Hui Li, Happy Belated Birthday ya =D

Now I only know that today also my aunt’s birthday-Milo’s mother. Aunty organized a birthday party at Karaoke centre located at Puchong Jaya. All aunty uncles sing along the song. Can’t imagine that sister and me can seat there for around 3 hours. While hearing those peoples singing the out-of-date song, keep chatting with my cousin sister and brother. Mr. 11pm, cousin sister bring out secret recipe’s banana cake.

Milo keep touch my hair. I knew my new hair cut is short enough =.=”


12am only back home. I miss my bed a lot. *home sweet home*


Normal day, woke up at usual. Have my breakfast with family. After finish my meal, have a walk with sister and baby Kenneth. Captured some funny pictures seem we are too boring and nothing to do there. Reach home at 12.30pm. Sister was hanged out with her friends, and mummy went salon. Of course my daddy fetched them go. Leave me alone at home. Took a nap and watch tv shows. =.=” MYFM 11th music concert and Happy Go Go Go. =) They lighted up my boring afternoon. Mummy bought back a Hawaii Pizza-Hut , chicken wings, mushroom soup and garlic bread. *yummy*

What a boring day for me, a normal day life for me. Here come some pictures. Boringness full of my mind.



take 2

uncle singing on the stage.

sweet couple.

cute baby Kenneth.

with baby.

sister with baby.

take 2.

laugh =D

the tallest & the shortest.

baby acting cool.


his look so funny.

-The End-